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Opportunities for Support

International Colonials
New England Colonials Tours

Tour Sponsorship Categories:

Tour Sponsorship:
2019 Ambassadors and International Colonials New England Tour $1,000
New England Colonials Tour $500
International Colonials New England Tour $500
Team Patron: $250
Player Patron: $150
Player Sponsor: $100
Friend of New England Basketball: $50
Colonial's Fan: $25

To make a tax-deductible contribution to our program, please send your check or money order payable to: New England Colonials c/o Bryson 436 High Street Walpole, MA 02081

Thank You!

On the Road with the Colonials!

2017 Rovers on Edinburgh's Royal Mile

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Riding the rails in Austria

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Our 2015 Colonials Ambassadors at St. Peter's Square in Rome

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2013 Colonials Ambassadors at Loch Ness in Scotland

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2010 Colonials' Ambassadors on the Charles Bridge in Prague.
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At the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

'07 Rovers at Edinburgh Castle

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Colonials' Summer Hosting Program

If you would like to learn more about hosting an international player next summer, please contact us and ask about the International Colonials Program. It's a great way to open your home to a young person who loves basketball and is a long way from home. We'd be happy to discuss how we can get your family involved.

For individuals who cannot host but would like to help a young player visit the USA, contributions to the INTERNATIONAL COLONIALS SUMMER PROGRAM will be used to assist deserving international players with their summer expenses. Contributions to our 501(c)(3) program may be sent to:

New England Colonials
436 High Street
Walpole, MA 02081
P: 508-734-5660


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Contact the New England Colonials at:

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Austrailian flag

Belgium flag

Canadian flag

Danish flag

English flag

French Flag

German flag

Irish flag

Lithuanian flag

Luxembourg flag

Polish flag

Spanish flag

Swedish flag

Swiss flag

A photo of the boys sleeping on the bus.
Enjoying the scenery...
Saying goodbye to friends in Warsaw.
Saying goodbye to friends in Warsaw...
Gaelic Soccer.
Learning Gaelic football...

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